Thursday, March 20, 2014

Royal Jelly - the elixir of health and longevity .

Let us know why  Royal Jelly - the elixir of health and longevity and who is responsible for production
Do nurses have bees royal jelly, bee glands secrete it . This milk they feed their babies , bee larvae and of course the Queen - bee uterus. And no wonder , because this food contains a lot of useful and human amino acids, proteins , carbohydrates, minerals . Than with pleasure and enjoyed by people for five centuries , taking royal jelly when restoring power after heavy physical exertion on the body, and recovery after an illness of varying severity . Also recommended royal jelly kids waiting child and nursing mums , because it is a powerful bio-stimulator ! Royal jelly and improves sleep and memory , stabilizes blood pressure and improves appetite.Finally , royal jelly retards aging.Instructions for use .In the morning, rinse your mouth with cold boiled water , then remove the syringe from the refrigerator with royal jelly and counted the necessary division , gently squeeze the product portion . Then put the jelly under the tongue , after raising it to the sky. Milk will resolve in 5 minutes.After 15 minutes , it is desirable to start breakfast . Toothpastes destroy royal jelly , so brush your teeth in the process of receiving royal jelly , you need after breakfast.Course admission .

For total body strengthening and lifting immunity :

10 days of receipt and 10 days off , 20 days and receive 2 months break. For the year are advised to take 3 courses royal jelly with mandatory breaks. Because clinical observations have shown increasing effectiveness of royal jelly when taken with the specified intervals.

Norms single dose of royal jelly :

Children under 8 years - not more than 0.05 grams ( 50mg. );Adolescents up to 16 years - not more than 0.1 grams ( 100 mg );Adults - not more than 0.3 grams ( 300 mg ) .Adults are also advised to start taking 100mg of royal jelly with , then you can increase the dose and up to 300 mg . royal jelly .Important!For long-term storage of milk to put in the freezer , and when taken daily move in refrigeration .A combination of courses receiving royal jelly, bee pollen with drug , pollen , propolis and honey itself , will give amazing results !Very important!


Idiosyncrasy ( allergic to royal jelly ) , acute infectious disease , exacerbation of chronic diseases and Addison's disease .

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