Saturday, March 22, 2014

Prevention of skin cancer by the right food choices

Every year the percentage of patients with skin cancer is increasing. This is due to many causal factors , one of which is an unhealthy diet. This topic should be treated seriously, especially those who have a family history of cancer were .
Here are some tips about the right food choices aimed to prevent cancer !

1. Upoteblyayte less fatty foods ( fatty meats and fried foods ) . These products are directly linked to high risk of developing skin cancer because they contain a large amount of carcinogens ( substances that contribute to the formation of cancerous cells).

2 . Reduce your intake of dairy products. Scientists have shown that frequent consumption of cheese, milk and yogurt increases the likelihood of developing skin cancer three times in people who had suffered the disease .

3 . Add to your diet green salad. People who Drinking green leaf lettuce reduce the risk of cancer by 50%.

4 . Eat more salmon . Proved that regular consumption of red fish reduces the spread of precancerous tumors by 28%.

5 . Be sure to include in your diet fish oil. It helps strengthen the immune system and the body's ability to fight cancer.

6.Upotreblyayte more red and orange fruits and vegetables.7. For the prevention of recurrent disease , increase the amount of green tea and dark chocolate .

8. Visit a dermatologist once a year to identify suspicious of education at an early stage before they turn into skin cancer.

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