Sunday, March 9, 2014

Exercises for inner thigh

All you need to practice - fitness ball

 Pressure on the ball

You need to lie on the right side and put the ball in front of his feet. Then , pull the left leg diagonally to foot rested it on top of the world. After much should put pressure on the ball as much as possible as you can and keep the pressure for five seconds . Followed to the other side .
Put your feet shoulder-width apart , and place the hands along the body doing exercises for inner thigh . And then bend your knees and lift your right leg over the left . The outer edge of the right foot should touch the floor , and the weight of the body falls on the left . Hold this position for a few seconds , and then return to the starting position . Repeat this exercise the opposite leg .

Compress ball

Need to lie on your back with your legs extended in front of him , and put the fitness ball between his legs. Then lift the ball , squeezing your legs together and using only the leg muscles . After lift the ball at an angle of 30 ' and hold it in this position for several seconds. After the lower ball on the floor and relax your leg muscles. These exercises for inner thigh should be repeated 12 -15 times .

crossing the legs

Need to lie on your right side, straighten the legs , the weight transfer to the hip, and the rest of the weight on his elbows , forearms, shoulders , because you need to keep your upper body off the floor . Cross your top leg over the bottom , so that the left foot touches the floor in front of the body . Then move the lower body weight on your left foot and lift the bottom leg up to 30 ` . Fix this position as you can, and then get down on the floor surface . Repeat this on the opposite side.

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