Probably the hardest part of a diet - it is a constant feeling of hunger
And think , "What would this still eat to lose weight ? " The main thing - to choose a perfect product that was low-calorie and at the same time, a hearty , healthy, delicious ( to delay hunger pangs for a few hours ) and that too there large enough volume to please the eye. Such products do exist, as would be fantastic as it may sound . What makes them so hearty ? Fiber and protein. Their high content in the product allows you to eat a larger portion without the extra calories that lead to weight gain .
So , eat and lose weight :
Baked or boiled potatoes
Do not neglect the potatoes , especially if you love her as much as I do. Potatoes adherents diets often unnecessarily demonized because of its allegedly high caloric content and starch in it . In fact, potatoes - delicious and not harmful in terms of weight loss hunger quenchers . Starches found in potatoes , very good appetite suppressants . This special kind of starch that resists digestive enzymes , so the potatoes takes a long time to digest .
It is necessary only to prepare fat-free and salt-free as possible . It is possible to gorge on one boiled or baked potato medium size - it has about 100-120 calories, rich in vitamins , fiber and , most importantly, a lot of potassium, which is essential for maintaining water balance and good heart function. By the way, chilled potato delays hunger even more.
bean soup
Soups are generally well satisfy hunger . They are a high liquid content , which immediately fills the stomach and causes a rapid feeling of satiety. Doubly good bean soup - it contains a lot of fiber , complex carbohydrates and protein. All these ingredients are digested long , slow delivery of sugar in the blood , so that you will feel hungry very long time. And all this "wealth" - about 150 calories per plate . Just do not add fat to the soup , potatoes and be stingy against salt. Also good and other legumes : peas, beans , chickpeas , lentils .
Eggs - an indispensable product containing lots of protein and all nine essential amino acids that our body can not produce itself . Getting into the digestive tract , these amino acids trigger the release of hormones that suppress appetite. I do not advise it, as recommended by some diets , while getting rid of the yolk. Caloric whole egg - only 78 calories. But about half of all proteins, and most of the other valuable nutrients contained in the yolk is . For greater satiety , combine eggs with fresh vegetables , such as in a salad . Combine well eggs with tomatoes ( plus 20 calories a tomato ) , cucumbers, spinach and lettuce (about 10 calories per cup of greens and cucumber ) .
Low fat fermented milk products without sugar - great food for dieters. Protein and calcium contained in them , quickly reduce the weight, and more proteins and satisfying by themselves. For greater satiety can be added to yogurt little raw oatmeal , bran , any boiled cereals, berries or sliced fruit .
Oatmeal and quinoa
Its well-known properties of oatmeal obliged saturating high fiber content and the ability to absorb liquid like a sponge. Cooked or soaked in milk, water or juice , oatmeal swells , and even a small amount of its fine satisfies hunger for a long time . It is desirable not only to choose oatmeal noodles ( it is less useful ), and a good healthy "Hercules" , which grew more than one generation of Russians . For even more flavor and good arch cinnamon oatmeal (not stingy on the whole teaspoon ) or more nuts. Cinnamon is known for its properties to stabilize blood sugar levels . And nuts are rich in protein , fiber and unsaturated fats , which are also balance insulin levels .
By the way, if oatmeal tired , try to replace it with quinoa - Another useful low-calorie cereal with the highest of the large protein and fiber - 6 grams of protein and fiber per serving of quinoa .
Along with sufficiently low calorie fruits , apples - one of the few fruits that contain pectin, which naturally slows digestion and provides a feeling of satiety. Unfortunately, many of malic acid is irritating to the stomach and , on the contrary , causes hunger, so it is advisable to supplement a small amount of apple other useful products : oatmeal, a couple of nuts or a half cup of yogurt.
Popcorn from the microwave
Popcorn cooked without oil in a microwave - a product with a very low energy density , that is 100 calories you can eat as much as 3 cups of popcorn , securing satiety for a long time . Compare with chips - a calorie is just a quarter of a cup of chips or crackers. Eating popcorn so many excellent killing time and occupies a large volume of the stomach , which means you can " bite " it for watching a movie or TV show without harm to the figures . Just do not get carried away with salt or sugar . Insufficient eat ? Arch paprika popcorn or if your stomach tolerates , hot peppers . Get double benefit : taste and accelerate metabolism.
Most drinks, except maybe the milk and yogurt , poorly satisfy hunger . Smoothies - a happy exception . This fiber- rich vegetables, fruit or mixed cocktails based juice , milk or water. They contain a lot of fiber and complex carbohydrates, which stabilize insulin and delay the feeling of hunger. Especially useful vegetable smoothies , they have less sugar compared with fruit . Good ingredients for smoothies - skimmed milk, cereal , apples , kiwi , grapefruit, banana, papaya , strawberries and other berries, pumpkin, carrots . For sweets , you can add a little honey - half a teaspoon per cup .
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