Monday, March 17, 2014

The Harmful Effects of Protein Diets

Protein diet ( Duke Atkinson Protasova ) intended to limit fats and carbohydrates , and compliance with long-term , cause a number of problems with metabolism , kidney function , endocrine system and interfere with losing weight .

Digestion of proteins requires the largest energy

Long -fiber diet provokes constipation and halitosis . The predominance of proteins in the diet , especially against restrictions fiber-rich foods leads to intoxication (nausea , constipation, bad breath , acetone in the urine - the first manifestations of intoxication) . Digestion of protein does require enough energy . But as it happens in a healthy circuit? Carbohydrates contribute to the breakdown of proteins and fats . Fats are used as an additional source of energy and vitamins involved in the transfer . Proteins - the building material .

When the protein diet , all the above functions are assigned exclusively to whites. Not being able to use the energy supplied by carbohydrates and fats , the body to function properly , will try to use an excess of protein in order for a protein which is not intended . This leads to failure : metabolic and slagging of the body . Excess protein can cause muscle cramps . A lack of vitamins in the diet ( because of the limitation of fruit and vegetables ) reduces immunity .

Long -fiber diet dehydrates the body , causing kidney problems

Prolonged adherence protein diet can cause kidney problems. Visible slimming effect resulting protein diets is greatly facilitated by the ability of the protein rapidly withdraw water from the body . Thus, firstly, it substantially increases the load on the kidneys. Secondly , dehydration - this is a serious stress and danger to the body. As one of the response options - the body can start producing hormones that contribute to fluid retention . A phase replacing strict protein diet for a gentle , one notices that even after lettuce swelling occur . Body , rebuilt on hard protein regime disaccustomed digest vegetables, fruits and herbs.

As a result, long -fiber diet with kidney problems : excess protein causes strain on the kidneys, which is very dangerous .

Breakdown often occurs due to prolonged protein diet

" Carbohydrates - energy source " - is not just a resounding slogan. Indeed, it is carbohydrates provide us a burst of energy , vigor , as a result, a good mood. Quickly and briefly - in the case of a chocolate or cakes, not so fast , but quite a long time - if carbohydrate snack plate has become porridge. Devoid of carbohydrates the body is experiencing an energy slump. Moreover, the lack of "correct" , slow carbohydrates such as cereals, starchy vegetables , wholegrain bakery, one fine day, far can provoke disruption of sugar and flour . Simply put, do not eat until poltorta to time to cover the lack of carbohydrates in the body , can not remember any of what is necessary to lose weight , nor about the longed - size volumes , nor about the fact that you're on the protein diet .

Lack of fat in the body due to prolonged protein diet to lose weight preventsProtein diets restrict the use of vegetable oils.

What is fraught with lack of fat (not talking about palm oil industrial pastries , but the " right" fats ) ? Lack of fat in the diet leads to hormonal disruptions in the body. On an external level - becomes dull skin, wrinkles , deteriorating eyesight deteriorates hair and nails. But this is not all . If the body loses fat , in particular, essential fatty acids and vitamin D , which are rich in fatty fish , nuts , flax , butter, this leads to malfunction of the cardiovascular system , increases the fragility of blood vessels and bone deteriorates brain function , reproductive the system can not properly function .

If we talk about the dangers of a lack of fat as a result of protein diets in the context of weight loss, here too there is something to think about . Canadian nutritionists have proven that without getting fat from food , the body goes into " austerity " and stops burning fat of their own , keeping them as " NC ". Needless to say, that the deposits are marked by the body as " NC " is extremely difficult to spend ? So in terms of weight loss and the complete exclusion of fat from the diet gives the desired effect is the opposite .

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