Saturday, March 15, 2014

The benefits of nuts in fitness.

Benefits nuts for fitness too many,Nuts are a perfect food for your health and fitness 


That's something that, as we have this nut in abundance - any self-respecting cottager grows walnut, which is also called the king's , on the site. And this nut , as in his fellow , quite a lot of protein. However, a lot of fat and - in their walnut as much as 60 percent. And what is still a lot , so it's vitamins you here both A and E, and B, and P, and S. And many minerals - potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium , calcium, iodine . And phosphorus, because of which the walnuts called " food for thought ", they especially recommend eating people who are engaged in mental work .However, for heavily exercising athletes walnut - " the most it ": it strengthens the heart and liver, as well as able to stay strong nervous tension . So as soon as feeling a stressful situation , throw in the mouth a couple of walnut kernels .


Pine Nuts

But cedar on the dacha is unlikely to grow. Although it would be worth a try , because the pine cones - a source of small nuts that - nothing that small - are a real treasure trove of nutrients. Incidentally, a few distinct from all other nuts. So fat pine nuts is characterized by increased content of linoleic acid which is a precursor of arachidonic acid helpful . As well as other nuts , there are many protein, but its amino acid composition is somewhat different . What is it? High content of arginine . Why do we need arginine, there is a need to repeat ?In the pine nuts a lot of vitamins , especially the fat-soluble vitamins E and F. There is also a vitamin B complex , which normalizes the nervous system, improves blood that are beneficial for the growth of the organism. Many minerals and also - equipped copper, cobalt, manganese and zinc. And most importantly, all of this is easily digestible form . Unlike some tablets ...


Hazelnuts or filberts

Do not want or are not able to buy hazelnut ? Go into the woods and gather up his - in full accordance with its name, it grows there. On the content of nutrients hazelnut slightly different from walnut : there are a lot of protein , pro-vitamin A and B vitamins, trace elements such as potassium, calcium, iron , magnesium, copper, phosphorus . As well as walnuts , hazelnuts considered a great food for the brain. A oriental doctors believe that this nut helps to crush kidney stones. So it or not, but in your diet hazelnut plus certainly will not .

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