Saturday, March 15, 2014

8 reasons to love dark chocolate !

Belgian post office not so long ago made ​​a small present not only philatelists , but also just released all of sweet and special , so-called "chocolate " brand.The fact that the basis of the usual postage stamp manufacturers added extract of cocoa , as well as some essential oils , through which a person feels when lick the taste of chocolate . Naturally, all the brands were sold in record time.

For that you can love dark chocolate ? 8 main reasons

But in general, seriously speaking , it should be noted that chocolate brings not only fun, but also a huge benefit. It includes a number of elements that make it very successfully deal with any kind of depression. Generally , the most useful is it bitter chocolate, as it promotes the development of happiness hormones , as well as keeping in shape all organ systems. However, this is not all the useful properties of this product . It should be noted that the chocolate ...

1. Dark chocolate invigorates

In the cocoa beans from which , in fact, produce chocolate contains caffeine. However, dark chocolate contains much less caffeine than coffee. A small dose of the substance increases the efficiency of the body , reduces sleepiness and fatigue finally allows quickly adapt to any changes in the environment. In addition, chocolate contains a large percentage of glucose, which is the main source of energy in our body .

2 . Dark chocolate improves mood

Cocoa beans - excellent sources of amino acids, which promotes the development of our organizmegormona joy - serotonin. When we experience stress , particularly significant , its resources are nearly depleted. Thus, we feel the lack of energy and a sharp deterioration in sentiment . Moreover, the decrease in the percentage of serotonin leads to the fact that our pain threshold is reduced, and we feel incredible pain from even the lightest touch.

3 . Dark chocolate helps slow the aging process

Scientists in the UK claim that if every day to eat small amounts of chocolate , this method can successfully slow the aging process . During their research , they found that chocolate helps to restore the metabolic processes in our skin. This occurs because the product contains an extremely huge amount of antioxidants. Moreover , chocolate also prevents the development of such a serious disease, such as melanoma , or skin cancer.

4 . Dark chocolate protects us from obesity and diabetes

Swedish researchers have found that dark chocolate reduces the risk of obesity and diabetes diabeta.V During experiments , they found that the use of a small dark chocolate does not lead to increased blood sugar and, therefore , the development of insulin . Moreover , scientists have documented a decrease in body weight , as well as recovery from type 2 diabetes in people who daily took a small portion of dark chocolate . Scientists believe that the reason for this miraculous properties of chocolate - the same antioxidants. Incidentally, during these same studies have examined another curious fact : the least useful for women is milk chocolate , and for men - white.

5 . Dark chocolate helps lose excess weight

Scientists from Denmark believe that chocolate can reduce the desire to consume harmful products , ie, fat, sweet or salty. During this experiment, the scientists watched as milk and dark chocolate affect people who have not eaten for 12 hours . After 5 hours after subjects ate chocolate, they were given a full lunch . As a result, it was found that 100 grams of dark chocolate is capable of reducing the appetite, and, moreover , fully saturate the body . But on the milk chocolate that say no way.

6. Dark chocolate is extremely good for the heart and blood vessels

Studies have shown that dark chocolate , by virtue of the huge amount of antioxidants , vznachitelnoy much good for the heart . 30 people who voluntarily participated in this experiment for 15 days ate 51 grams of white chocolate, which does not contain cocoa, and the same dark , the percentage of cocoa which is 70%. All participants of the experiment were measured every day bloodstream pressure and circulating lipids. It was found that among those who ate dark chocolate only , the percentage of so-called "good" cholesterol was significantly higher than the rest .Studies show that eating a small amount of chocolate temn00og0o two or three times a week can lower blood pressure . Dark chocolate improves blood flow and may help prevent blood clots and atherosclerosis. Dark chocolate helps reduce the risk of stroke.

7. Dark chocolate helps to think

Researchers at the University of Nottingham found that eating dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain from 2 to 3 hours . This improves performance and vigilance.Other researchers from the University of Oxford in Norway looked at the long-term effects of chocolate on the brain in the study of diet more than 2,000 people over the age of 70 years. They found that those who consumed dark chocolate scored significantly higher in cognitive tests than those who did not.

8. Dark chocolate contains beneficial minerals

Dark chocolate has a high content of vitamins and minerals . The dark chocolate contains some of the following vitamins and minerals in high concentration :• Potassium• Copper• Magnesium• IronCopper and potassium in dark chocolate helps prevent strokes and cardiovascular zabolevaniya.Zhelezo protects from iron deficiency anemia , and magnesium helps prevent type 2 diabetes , high blood pressure and heart disease .

However, all the scientists say one thing: eating chocolate, it is important not to overdo it. First, you must have only dark chocolate that contains at least 70 % cocoa and is completely empty , ie without wafers , nuts and other additives. Of milk and white chocolate , of course, need to be abandoned altogether . Secondly, there is on the whole tile in the day also is not recommended in all important measure . The optimal dose is 40-50 grams of dark chocolate per day.

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