Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How to Start a Fitness Program at Home Beginner’s Guide to Exercise

How to start a fitness program at home is difficult at first, but it is one of the best things you can do for your health. If you want to get your body in a shape then it is important to start your own exercise regimen at home. It is important that you should start the fitness program slowly so that you do not get injured. Physical activity can help you in getting rid of excess weight and on the same side it also reduces the risk of getting some chronic diseases. It is also suitable for those who want to go for fitness program at low cast and cannot afford going out to a gym. An additional benefit is that there is no excuse to avoid exercise totally at home. This program will also allow you to go for exercise whenever you get time from your busy or hectic schedule.
The first important step on How to start a fitness program at home is to access your fitness level. You need to check your pulse rate before and after you walk for at least one mile. You should also check the time that how long it takes you to walk for one mile. Measure you body mass index and waist circumference. Start a fitness program at home after considering your fitness goals. Start the exercise cautiously and slowly. It is better to go for a written plan because it can help in motivating you. Replace your habit of watching TV with some particular exercise. You can also watch your favorite show and exercise at the same time. It is also advised that you must visit your doctor before starting and fitness program.

How to Start a Fitness Program at Home Beginner’s Guide to Exercise
If you want to go for bodybuilding workouts then you need to buy dumbbells and barbells. This smallest investment can allow you to do a variety of exercises. You can also create weights by using different items available at home. How to start a fitness program at home is easy even without using the fancy machines which you can get at a gym. You need to start with exercises such as push-ups, squats, lunges, crunches, and leg rises. In start, you can go for 3 sets of ten to twenty repetitions. Do not forget to go for a twenty minutes walk regularly. You also need to check out for different fat loss diet programs. The results are immediate, but you need to stay focused on this fitness program.
You must track your body measurements rather than checking your weight loss during your ongoing fitness program at home. Drink a plenty of water during your workout sessions and exercises. Sports drinks can be helpful for you during the intense workout sessions. You must spend your time on cardio exercises such asswimming, running, walking, jogging, dancing, playing and dancing. Make your weekly workout schedule depending upon your goals. Some DVDs and CDs are also available in market which can guide you in performing different types of exercises at comfort of your own home.

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