Tuesday, March 11, 2014

how to be beautiful in 30 days ?

Follow these simple steps will make you beautiful in 30 Days
Tip number 1

Every morning , on an empty stomach , eat 1 tablespoon of flaxseed . Thoroughly chewing and drinking a glass of warm water. After half an hour you can have.
? What does it give 
This tool is great cleanses the body . Through this skin will be smooth and fresh. There will be a small but healthy weight loss. Just flax seed strengthens hair and nails .Attention! Flax seed can not be used in the presence of stones in the body .

Tip number 2

Daily eat a salad of boiled beets . For breakfast or dinner , as is convenient .
? What does it give
 Beetroot - a unique blood purifier . And the health of blood is an important indicator of the beautiful appearance . It means the same positive effect on the skin and internal organs .

Tip number 3

Every day , one hour before bedtime , apply on the face mixture of glycerin and vitamin E. The mixture is easy to cook . 30 grams of glycerol , take 10 capsules of vitamin E capsules puncture needle and squeeze the oil in the bottle. All this can be purchased at the pharmacy for a low price . Before applying the tools you need to clean your face and make a gentle massage with a soft brush to the surface blushed . In this state, cells were maximally absorb nutrients. There is one drawback - the skin gets a little sticky until absorbed glycerol . To alleviate discomfort , sprinkle skin refreshing tonic

? What does it give

Every morning you will observe an appreciative reaction of the skin to such a diet. Wrinkles are smoothed and color aligned . Very effective means of " crow's feet " around the eyes . Try and comments would be superfluous .

Tip number 4

Daily intake of at least 50 grams of nuts . Any that you like
?  What does it give

 Hair and nails say a HUGE thank you in 2 weeks .

Tip number 5

Every three days doing hair mask of dry mustard powder , diluted to a consistency of porridge with vegetable oil (preferably burdock or wheat germ ) . Applied to wet hair , keep 20-30 minutes , wash off .

? What does it give

The result of this mask speaks for itself . And after a month of regular use , you just can not learn in a luxurious wave their old hair.

Tip number 6

Get yourself to sleep socks . From natural fibers . H / W or wool. Depending on the time of year. Before going to bed , after a shower , abundantly lubricates foot butter with a few drops of peppermint oil . Then put on socks and go to sleep like this.

? What does it give

A month later, your feet will be the envy and admiration. This procedure is covered per month before the beach season , will stand you in good stead . You will be able to proudly showcase their bare feet .

Tip number 7

Now take care of the cilia . You will need an empty tube of mascara . Well it inside my home using a soapy brush. Dried. Drips into the wheat germ oil . Everything! Ready home remedy for strengthening and growth of your tired of paint eyelashes. Before going to bed , apply oil over the entire length . Brush, do it very convenient. Do not be too excessive application . Enough very little grease hairs .

? What does it give

A month later, you will see that eyelashes thicker, and grew visibly cheered .

Tip number 8

Take care of the body skin . Take one cup of sea salt (though regular , sodium , iodine , also nice ) , add one cup of fat sour cream . After bathing , wearing a glove , loofah , carefully massaging the whole body, including the neck , with the resulting porridge , then wash off with warm water. Not lazy and do it after each swim . The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.

? What does it give

The salt removes the dead skin particles and disinfect surfaces . If there are small pimples , then soon they will stay in the past. Sour cream softens the effect of salt, not allowing it to scratch the delicate skin and nourishes the cells . Need I explain that regular use will give a great result.

Tip number 9

Once again on the skin. It would be great if you purchase such a treasure for themselves as amaranth oil . The main component of this miracle product is squalene . And he, in turn, is one of the main components of our skin. Oil is absorbed almost 100% in the fight against wrinkles , scars, burns, stretch marks and other skin troubles out of the competition ! Use of amaranth oil can and should be every day, lubricating the body and face.

? What does it give

This will get rid of so many problems. The only downside of oil is its price . Although it is certainly worth it.

Tip number 10

Prepare a special water to rinse hair after shampooing . Just add a few drops of menthol oil ( 1 liter - 5 drops) and rinse your curls after each wash .

? What does it give

Why do this? Question will disappear immediately after the first try . Incredible freshness on the scalp and ease. This tool makes it easy even a headache. Effectively combats dandruff

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