Monday, March 24, 2014

Tips for effective workouts

Exercises are very useful advised by doctors, we chose you a tips for effective exercises

 1. prioritize

Start with the most basic training exercises , because later on they may simply not enough forces .

2 . Train your legs

Leg exercises help burn more calories and fat.

3 . drink water

This is very important because dehydration still nothing helped .

4 . take longer

The body begins to burn fat in just 30 minutes after the workout. And the longer you do, the more it burns fat . Try to exercise at least an hour .

5 . Eat more

Eat 5 times a day in small portions to speed up metabolism and not better.

6. introduce diversity

Do not train every day the same part of the body , because muscles need time to recover. Sign for classes by day, eg: legs - Monday, spin - on Tuesday, and his chest - on Wednesday .

7. Change their workout

Body quickly adapts to the same exercises , so try to try new techniques and movements .

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