Thursday, March 20, 2014

12 healthy snacks that will provide you with energy .

 know these healthy snacks that work to supply the body with energy

1. Apples . They contain many vitamins and minerals , they are also a rich source of flavonoids and polyphenols , which are potent antioxidants. Try to eat them every morning and add to fruit smoothies .

2 . Bananas . One of the best sources of potassium , which helps maintain normal blood pressure and heart activity of the organism .

3 . Red pepper . It's filled with antioxidant vitamins A and C , which are necessary for the beauty of your skin. If you want a hearty crunch , red pepper is perfect . Try dipping it in the sauce during your lunch snack.

4 . Pure dark chocolate. If you have a sweet tooth , natural dark chocolate definitely satisfy this craving , and he's better than dessert snacks that contain refined starch , which destroys vitamins needed for energy. However, since chocolate composition includes sugar, its consumption should be restricted to approximately 57 grams per day .

5 . Pumpkin seeds . These seeds just a storehouse of minerals such as magnesium, iron and calcium, vitamin K and protein. Be sure pumpkin seeds satisfy your desire to eat when you will need to improve their performance.

6. Carrots. Carrots contain a lot of fiber , so it will be a great way to suppress crispy acute hunger , not forgetting about proper nutrition .

7. Vegetable soup . This required amount of vegetables, and your body can easily absorb the nutrients made ​​available without expending energy on their splitting .

8. Oatmeal . Try eating oatmeal in the morning , and after 25 minutes you can eat some fruit . Sprinkle cinnamon porridge for even greater benefits and flavor.

9. Green salad. Green vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals that are digested fairly quickly , so you feel like energizing .

10 . Pineapple. Pineapple is easily digested and contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps digestion and cleaning properties . Again, do not forget to have a pineapple on an empty stomach and do not combine it with other products .

11. Herbal tea. You can drink herbal tea, if you do not want to eat at night , in the morning or in the middle of the day . Just be sure that there is no caffeine.

12. Dried figs . Dried figs surprisingly good blood purifier . Make sure that your chosen manufacturer does not add to it sugar and other additives. Figs contains quite a lot of sugar , so you should limit the size of the portions more stuff.

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