Saturday, March 15, 2014

5 tips on how to lose weight without dieting

Should not expect from the process of slimming painful limitations. It is not difficult to lose weight without dieting. Just need to follow some simple rules slimming

Many of the following suggestions for weight loss help "trick" us as themselves , not giving feel no dietary restrictions . At the same time can be easily and naturally to drop five or more kilos a month. It all depends on your perseverance and determination , that is on you .

So, how to lose weight without dieting

1) Avoid mayonnaise

Total 100 grams of sauce contain a quarter of daily calories , relevant adult. In the sauce , made an industrial way , includes a lot of ingredients , to put it mildly , insalubrious health . To all this he still provokes strong appetite and appearance habits combine incompatible ingredients in one dish , such as a salad "Olivier" .

2) Limit the use of sugar

Each week reduces the amount added to tea or coffee sugar one to two teaspoons . Dilute with water and soda juices shoplifting . So you gradually wean yourself from excessive sweetness favorite drinks.

For information : energy value of one teaspoon of sugar - 32 kcal . 10 of these spoons give a tenth of the daily energy required an adult male .

3 ) Reduce the dose eaten sweets and chocolate

Simple Way - chocolate faults on cubes , and each cube is cut in half . Similarly, with candy - cut each into several small pieces.

If you love candy drink tea or coffee , these drinks do not put sugar.

4) Do not eat fried potatoes , French fries , potato chips . If itself potato -calorie (80 kcal per 100 g) , in conjunction with fats , which he prepares , this root crop increases your energy "weight" of 2.5 to 7 times .

5) Do not eat baked goods of high quality flour . Few useful substances in these products depreciate unreasonably high in calories and low in fiber .

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