Friday, February 28, 2014

Calcium Sources for Dairy Allergies

Calcium Sources for Dairy Allergies
Do you have an aversion towards dairy? If yes, there are many alternates that can provide sufficient calcium to stay healthy. Some people have lactose intolerance or milk allergy and others simply don’t like the taste of yogurt or milk. They can include these foods in regular diet to enjoy benefits of bone-building fat-burning calcium-an essential mineral for functioning of human body.There are high levels of this important mineral in several nuts, plants and fortified sources.


This vegetable is an excellent source of calcium. One cup cooked rhubarb has 348 mg calcium, that makes it one of the richest plant sources of this vital mineral. Stalks of rhubarb plant are eaten which taste a bit sour, therefore, these are mixed with sweet fruits when added into cakes, breads, ice cream, pies or any other edible.

It is one of nature’s top plant sources of the mineral. (Women under age 50 and men under age 70 should aim for 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily; women 50 and older and men 70 and older need 1,200.)

Dried Figs
This rich, chewy fruit  is a must-included food in diet of all dairy-allergics. One serving of ten dried figs gives about 269 mg of calcium, which comprises 20 percent of daily recommended amount. So, have it as dessert or snack and feel the energy.


Beans are loaded with nourishing ingredients. These have anti-aging properties. Being a protein-rich food and providing fiber that lowers cholesterol, these are widely taken in salads. Beans also provide good amount of calcium. Take one cup of boiled white beans to have 161 mg of calcium.

Nuts and Seeds

Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, chestnuts, sunflower seeds, tahini, hazelnuts and pumpkin seeds are good sources of calcium. Add them into soups, salads, vegetable dishes and cereals to make a toothsome combination. 

Green Vegetables

You may not have any idea that some veggies provide calcium and the most promising fact is that this mineral taken from vegetables is absorbed better in the body than taken from dairy sources. Although,  levels are not as high as in dairy foods. To get an equal amount of calcium from milk, you must have 2 ¼ cups of broccoli, 1 ½ cups of kale or at least 8 cups of spinach, all in cooked form.


Tofu which is prepared with calcium sulfate contains 204 mg calcium in half cup of its serving.

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